iHateRegex - a regex cheatsheet for the haters - don't just use; understand.

iHateRegex - a regex cheatsheet for the haters - don't just use; understand.


3 min read

iHateRegex 😈

don't just use; understand.

iHateRegex.io - a regex cheatsheet for the haters.

Features 😎

  • [x] Visual representation of regular expressions

  • [x] Matched strings - the Testing area

  • [x] Embed regular expression visualization on your sites

  • [x] Regex code highlighting and validation

  • [x] Regex description with markdown support

  • [ ] Playground page where you can create your own expression and link to it.

  • [ ] User login and save the regex

Setup πŸš€

  1. Install yarn

  2. Clone this repo

  3. Install dependencies βš™οΈ

$ yarn install
  1. Test on localhost πŸ› 
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3600
$ yarn dev
  1. Build and Start nuxt server πŸš€
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

This project is built with Nuxt.js πŸ™Œ

For a detailed explanation of how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Contribute Regex πŸ™

Contribute to this project and make this the largest collection of useful expressions 😍

You can also submit regex via this google form

To contribute:

  • Add your regex to /static/regex/data.json
      "id": "username",
      "title": "username",
      "tagline": "match a username",
      "description": "Alphanumeric string that may include _ and - having a length of 3 to 16 characters.",
      "regex": "^[a-z0-9_-]{3,15}$",
      "flag": "gm",
      "matchText": [
        "john doe",
      "cheatRegex": [
      "embedHeight": 300,
      "tags": [
idthis is the slug and also the short name of the regex. cannot contain spaces and only contain url-safe characters
titleTitle of the page.
descriptionFirst line under the tagline and also the meta description
regexThe actual regex string
flagregex flags associated with the expression. eg; g
matchTextArray(line by line) of strings to be included in the string matching are
cheatRegexrefer static/regex/cheatsheet.json and see what all cheats are relevent to this expression. (you can also add your own cheats into cheatsheet.json and refer to that)
embedHeightHeight in pixels of the regex visualization embed
tagstags related to the expression (to be used later)
  • Create a markdown file in /static/regex/markdown/ named <regex-id>.md for longer description and explanation

    <regex-id> is the id from data.json

That's it πŸ™Œ Go ahead and shoot a new pull request✨✨


There are 2 descriptions for each regex.

  • One is the description property inside /static/regex/data.json.

    • This is used for page meta description as well.

    • This is the first description

  • Second is a dedicated markdown file in /static/regex/markdown/<file>.md

    • This should explain how the expression works in detail.

    • This is the long description


description property inside data.jsonThis should explain about what the target match is in a few lines. It should not contain any html or markdownA username is a unique identifier given to accounts in websites and social media
dedicated markdown fileExplain about the expression and how it worksip addresses are of the range - The expression matches the ....(more)