App Building with AppSheet: Challenge Lab - ARC105

App Building with AppSheet: Challenge Lab - ARC105


In a challenge lab you’re given a scenario and a set of tasks. Instead of following step-by-step instructions, you will use the skills learned from the labs in the course to figure out how to complete the tasks on your own! An automated scoring system (shown on this page) will provide feedback on whether you have completed your tasks correctly.

When you take a challenge lab, you will not be taught new Google Cloud concepts. You are expected to extend your learned skills, like changing default values and reading and researching error messages to fix your own mistakes.

To score 100% you must successfully complete all tasks within the time period!

Task 1. Create a new AppSheet app

  • Create a new AppSheet app named Company Details using the companies sheet.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create a new AppSheet app

Task 2. Add a new company

  • Use the preview of the Company Details app to add a new company with the following details:
Company NameCymbal Austin
Business Address500 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701

Leave the other attributes blank.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Add a new company

Task 3. Update and regenerate your app's data structure

  • Add a new column named Website (to column G of the companies sheets), set the column type as Url, and regenerate the app's data structure.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Update and regenerate your app's data structure

Check my progress

Task 4. Deploy and test your app

  • Deploy your app and test it by adding a new company in the browser running your deployed app:
Company NameCymbal Houston
Business Address3663 Washington Ave, Houston, TX 77007

Leave the other attributes blank.

Solution of Lab

Step 1: Copy this file to Google Drive with the name companies sheet.

Step 2:Download file: companies.xlsx (Then import and replace the copied file in step 1).