Back-End Developer Capstone - Project Functionality

Back-End Developer Capstone - Project Functionality

  1. Which of the following is the proper syntax to run the migrate command?

  2. Which of the following handles invalid or missing values from being stored in the database?


    • SET sql_mode=’STATIC_TRANS_TABLES’

    • SET sql_mode=’PASS_TRANS_TABLES’

    • SET sql_mode=’STRICT_TRANS_TABLES’

  3. If we want to use another type of database instead of SQLite we must change the DATABASES configuration in the _________ file.

  4. Which of the following will register the Menu model inside of your file?


    • site.admin(Menu)


    • site.admin.register(Menu)

  5. Which file contains the INSTALLED_APPS for our application?

  6. Suppose we created a class which inherits from ListCreateView class, which two HTTP methods would be supported?

    • POST

    • DELETE

    • PATCH

    • GET

  7. True or False: When using DRF you can use the DefaultRouter class to wire up API URL’s instead of declaring routes in the app and including them in the project’s URLConf.

    • True

    • False

  8. True or False: Django applications can be configured to handle multiple databases.

    • True

    • False

  9. What is one advantage of using ViewSets in Django REST Framework?

    • Views based on ViewSets are more concise and help to keep logic organized.

    • Using one ViewSet we can handle all types of HTTP requests.

    • It automatically enforces authentication.

    • It automatically serializes the queryset.

  10. This is a special type of serializer which quickly creates a serializer class from Django model fields.

    • JsonSerializer

    • ModelSerializer

    • MenuSerializer