Knowledge check: Arrays, Objects and Functions in Javascript

Knowledge check: Arrays, Objects and Functions in Javascript

  1. What data type is the variable item ?

     var item = [];
    • Boolean

    • Function

    • Array

  2. What is the value of result for the following code?

     var result = "Hello".indexOf('l');
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

  3. What is the length of the clothes array after this code runs?

     var clothes = [];
       clothes.push('gray t-shirt');
       clothes.push('green scarf');
       clothes.push('old jeans');
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

  4. What value is printed out by the following code?

     var food = [];
     food.push('Ice cream');
    • Chocolate

    • Ice cream

    • Donut

  5. How many properties does the dog object have after the following code is run?

     var dog = {
         color: "brown",
         height: 30,
         length: 60
     dog["type"] = "corgi";
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

  6. In the following function, the variables a and b are known as _______________.

     function add(a, b) {
           return a + b;
    • Parameters

    • Return Values

  7. Which of the following are functions of the Math object?

    • random()

    • round()

    • sqrt()

    • trim()