Why is React using the concept of components?
It helps accessibility readers for people who are visually impaired.
It improves the styling of your pages.
It allows the browser to render your pages faster.
It allows you to build more modular apps.
What is the absolute minimum code that a component must have to be able to show something on a screen when rendered?
A named function declaration and a return statement with at least a single element with some text inside of it.
A named function declaration and an array of items inside of the function's body.
A named function declaration and some variables in the function’s body.
A named function declaration.
What are the benefits of using props?
Props allow developers to write custom HTML tags.
Props allow parent components to pass data to children components.
Props allow children components to update the values of each prop independent from their parent component.
You are tasked with building a web layout using React. The layout should have a header, a footer, and three products showing various data in the main part of the page. Choose the preferred component structure.
It should have the following components: Header, Main, Product, Footer (with the Product component being imported into Main and rendered three times).
It should have a separate component for each link, paragraph, heading, etc.
It should all fit into a single component named App component.
Which of the following keywords can you usually find in a React component?
function, props, export, import, contain
module, function, prop, exported, default
function, props, return, export, default
modular, expression, prop, default
What is create-react-app?
It’s a command you run when you want to serve your app in the browser.
It’s an npm package used to build a boilerplate React app.
It’s a command you can use in a component.
It’s a stand-alone application on the web.
Imagine you want to build a brand new React app, named “example”. Choose the correct command to build a starter React app to work off of.
npm install react-app example
node init react-app example
npm init react-app example
npm initialize react-app example
True or false? When you write arrow functions, for any number of parameters other than a single parameter, using parentheses around parameters is compulsory.
True or false? You can use function calls in JSX.
True or false? When an arrow function has a single parameter, you do not need to add parentheses around the item parameter (to the left of the arrow).