Self review: Song selection - React Basic

Self review: Song selection - React Basic

  1. In plain JavaScript, how do you build an instance of the Audio constructor?

    • new Audio();

    • New Audio();

    • Audio();

  2. If an object instance of the Audio constructor is saved in a variable named “song”, what property on the “song” object can you use to check if the song is currently playing?

    • song.paused

    • song.pause();


  3. What is wrong with this code?

     function toggle() {
         if(song.paused) {
         } else {
    • The app's logic doesn't work. The code on line 3 and the code on line 5 should swap places.

    • The condition in the if statement is wrong. It should be:


    • You need to have an else if condition, in between the if and else conditions.